| Another great picture from Stareyes, showing Imako's "heroic" side...
| Topaz drew me this beautiful picture of all the girls from In Due Time. I especially like Laeiluri's wings.
| First fanart of Sethyss, from Endjoi. I wish I were *half* that good at oekaki. I couldn't do that with a tablet, let alone a mouse...
| Another picture from Andrew--Imako, this time, with her cool pants...and no window-washing. ;)

| Not content with just one submission, Stareyes drew this set of tarot cards featuring my characters. Words cannot describe the coolness. ^_^ Here's her explanation of the significance of the various cards:
Shiro as The Fool: Besides the obvious meaning, The Fool is usually symbolic of beginnings, fitting the carefree protagonist.
Akht qa as Temperance. One of the meanings of the card is moderation... somehting that Akht qa has, unlike Shiro.
The Star is a happy card -- it represents hope for the future. Imako not only is the most hopeful person, she turns her hopes into reality by convincing Shiro to take her to the future. Ironic that she also likes sci-fi.
The Tower represents disasterous and complete change, like the Computer's transformation from a Human into a Sentient Starship. The tone of the card also seemed to fit the Computer's nature -- fearful and fatalistic
| Cute Shiro by Bombchu.
| Kat took a little artistic license with Laeiluri's character design, but I think this picture conveys Laeiluri's personality very well.
| Sexy Sethyss by Blackwidow. Picture rated PG-13.
| Imako off in her own little world again, from Sessha. She certainly looks happy.
| Laeiluri by Uncreativity, who claims to have a syndrome that forces her to draw wings at any given opportunity. ^_^
| Shiro and Akht'qa by ChayPeta. They're so cute together!
| Farah has such a pretty flowing sort of style. Here's her rendition of Imako.
| The Computer as a young child by Offside 7. Cuteness!